There’s a lot of chatter in the supply chain and material handling industries centered on innovation. MHI wanted to separate the buzz from the actual, day-to-day reality experienced by supply chain managers. So, at the end of 2013, we teamed up with Deloitte to conduct a survey crafted to verify the importance of current and emerging innovations—directly from the trenches.
More than 450 respondents answered our questions. They included senior executives (C-level executives, managing directors, senior vice presidents, vice presidents or directors) from both large and small companies. A broad range of industry sectors were represented, too. Among them: retail, wholesale, consumer packaged goods, automotive, consulting, life sciences, healthcare, transportation, warehousing, material handling, supply chain equipment and related services.
The result of that research is the first MHI Annual Industry Report: Innovations That Drive Supply Chains.
Click here to read the full article.
– By Jeff Woroniecki, EVP, Business Development & Operations