How to attract and retain the next generation of supply chain workers to our industry is a frequent topic of discussion. So perhaps it’s no surprise that MHI’s Young Professionals Network (YPN) is dedicating an entire educational track to the subject at MODEX 2016.
On Tuesday, April 5, the “New Generation Supply Chain Workforce” event includes two panel discussions and two speaker presentations. The day concludes with an informal gathering for networking.
These sessions are free to all MODEX 2016 attendees.
“There’s been tremendous interest from both seasoned veterans of the industry and from young professionals just entering our field about how to attract more fresh faces to supply chain careers,” says Devon Birch, MHI’s director of membership and coordinator of MHI’s YPN. “Additionally, there’s a lot more inclusiveness in the field than there has been in the past. We’re seeing more women, more young professionals and more diversity—which is very encouraging.”
Birch says the topics and speakers for the track were selected for their relevance to professionals both new and not-so-new to the industry. Panelists and presenters will share insights into how to recruit and keep the next generation workforce engaged, while supporting their successful career development.
By Jeff Woroniecki, MHI chief operating officer