The Material Handling Education Foundation, Inc. (MHEFI) announces the establishment of the Willard P. Heddles Memorial Scholarship Fund. Heddles, chairman and CEO of Tiffin Metal Products, Inc. and former member of the MHI Roundtable and Board of Governors, passed away on January 31, 2017, from injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident. He also served on the Board of Directors of MHEFI, most recently as its Last Retiring President.
During the MHI Industry Night event at ProMat 2017, MHI donated $35,700 in proceeds from the evening to establish the fund. The fund has been established as an endowment to be held in perpetuity by MHEFI and will be designated to award annual scholarships to undergraduate students (juniors or seniors) enrolled full-time in an eligible program at a qualified school in the United States. The number of scholarships awarded each year will depend on the size of the fund. The minimum award would be $1,500.