For the eighth consecutive year, participants in MHI’s Career & Technical Education (CTE) Program will attend Student Days, the annual educational forum held during MODEX or ProMat shows.
By Delana Hopkins—
For the eighth consecutive year, participants in MHI’s Career & Technical Education (CTE) Program—including students and instructors from high schools, trade and technical schools, community colleges and correctional institutions—will attend Student Days, the annual educational forum held during MODEX or ProMat shows.
Its jam-packed schedule of activities encompasses two days. On April 11, students cycle through an extensive schedule of Classroom Day activities within the walls of MODEX 2018. Then on April 12, they take off-site tours of distribution centers hosted by companies within the Atlanta area.
Sponsored and underwritten by MHI’s College Industry Council on Material Handling Education (CICMHE) and CTE program—in partnership with the Material Handling Education Foundation Inc. (MHEFI) and the Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association (MHEDA)—MODEX 2018 marks the 15th year that MHI has welcomed students and their instructors to its annual exhibition and conference. The event initially targeted scholars and professors at universities and colleges; it was expanded in 2010 to include CTE participants.
The increase in the number of schools nationwide adopting the MHI CTE four Fundamentals of Warehousing and Distribution textbooks directly correlates to the growth in the number of CTE attendees at Student Days. Indeed, ProMat 2017 saw the largest numbers ever at the event: 97 CTE participants and 167 university- and college-level students.
For CTE instructors like Art Close, Director of Logistics Education at Western Guilford High School in Greensboro, NC, bringing students to the event is an invaluable opportunity to supplement and enhance their classroom experience. Close’s school teamed up with MHI three years ago, when there were just 14 students in the Logistics program. “I heard about MHI from another high school in the Midwest when I was trying to get ideas for our program,” he recalls.