Due to the growing concern about COVID-19, MHI is sharing continual updates on its MODEX website, modexshow.com, related to information received regarding anyone who was on-site during MODEX who tests positive for this virus.
On March 19 it was brought to our attention that a second person who has tested positive for COVID-19 was on-site at the Georgia World Congress Center during MODEX 2020. This person was working on-site for an exhibiting company from March 8-12. The exhibiting company was located in the area of the B Hall 4300/4400/4500/4600 aisles, and MHI has been told that the exhibiting company is contacting each person who visited this booth whose badge was scanned and others this individual met with onsite about this situation. This individual also attended the MHI Young Professionals Network event on March 9 and the MHI Industry Night on March 11 as part of the general audience.
On March 18, it was brought to MHI’s attention that a person has tested positive for COVID-19 that was on-site at the Georgia World Congress Center during MODEX 2020.
MHI will be providing any further information they learn on this page and via emails to all registered exhibitors and attendees, and asks that you continue to follow protocols provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for your continued health and safety.