Once You’ve Completed Step 1, the Rest Is a Breeze!
If you missed the live “how to” webinar on April 5—where some fabulous tips were shared by host Ralph Henderson, MHI’s John Paxton and Carol Miller, Freemans’s Nicole Ginebra, and Grip’s Casey Pannella—we have some of the highlights outlined below AND you can watch the recording of the video online.
“We want this to be your most productive show ever,” said Henderson, which is one of the reasons for the detailed and easy-to-follow video. If you know how the ProMatDX platform works, you’ll have a move productive experience at the show. And, if you use the Grip AI matchmaking tool that is built into the ProMatDX site, your experience will not only exponentially skyrocket, it will be customized. “The more you interact, the smarter the AI tool becomes,” added Henderson.
But, first you have to finish step 1: your onboarding.
During the webinar, one of the steps that revealed itself as being key was to update your profile at promatshow.com (the onboarding process). Your tailored experience won’t begin until you’ve entered some information about your goals. Some of the information will auto-populate from your registration documents, but to further customize your experience, take a few minutes and complete the onboarding process in your event profile and your profile in the Grip AI matchmaking window. Also, remember to consent to sharing your data, said Henderson. This will be your networking headquarters during ProMatDX.
Now, you can learn how to conduct meetings, see how the showcases, educational sessions and keynotes work, find tips for networking, connect with attendees with similar backgrounds, and create and grow relationships. “There is a tremendous amount of content to power up your supply chain organization,” said Miller about ProMatDX. But, you need a plan to get the most out of this event, she added, which was echoed by Paxton. “It is really important to preplan your sessions and your engagement so you can get the most out of this digital platform,” he said.
And, MHI has spent a lot of time and effort to make this the best platform, said Ginebra. “I don’t know another client that has done so much for the engagement of their attendees.” As you navigate promatshow.com, you’ll appreciate the user-friendly organization of the massive amounts of data, all arranged to make ProMatDX the absolute best networking and learning experience for both attendees and sponsors. “We built a platform to bring the entire industry together, said Paxton.
Super-important tip: Almost everything is clickable! It is so handy to have all this information at your fingertips to help with your planning decisions. Also, little secret: The corner logo on the top-left links back to the home page if you click on it.
Another important button is the support one. If you have any technical problems with the platform, scroll down to the bottom navigation bar to access live help. A chatbot virtual assistant is housed there too.
If you are in the mood to chat with other attendees, try out the Innovation Chat, located under Networking across the top navigation bar. You can chat with anyone who is on the platform at the time and the chat room as organized by subject. “It is a neat place to engage in conversation with your fellow attendees,” said Ginebra.
The ProMatDX Game is another must-visit spot. Beginning today, April 12, there will be prizes awarded by day as well as overall.
Once you’ve explored the promatshow.com site, jump into the Grip AI matchmaking tool, “where you are in the driver’s seat,” said Pannella. Access it at the top bar and click on Networking then Networking and Matchmaking, or click on the Networking tile on the home page.
No additional login credentials are required (double-yay for that!). But the first time you enter, there is a quick onboarding process, a lot of which will already be filled out from your registration process. “This is a very critical piece to serve you those recommendations of who you might want to meet,” said Pannella.
Tip: Remember to press “save” at the bottom of the page after you have updated your profile!
The networking and AI matchmaking will now begin! Here are some quick tips on meeting people at ProMatDX in the Grip matchmaking tool:
• You can schedule meetings from April 12-18, 24 hours a day.
• Be sure to note your availability times so you don’t double-book by accident and so others know when you are available. “It will set you up for success,” said Pannella.
• Also, under your profile you can export the meetings you have planned during the show.
• You can request a meeting with anyone; you don’t have to be connections.
• You can also “skip” people. Skipping is anonymous and helps you establish more relevant connections.
• A meeting room will not kick you out when it is supposed to be over. It can go as long as you need. Also, you can jump out and back into a meeting if it’s still going on.
Learning how to navigate in both the ProMatDX platform and the integrated Grip AI matchmaking tool—both of which are a breeze after just a few minutes of clicking—will help you achieve your personal goals at the event, assures Pannella. Henderson summed it up perfectly when he said, “We all know we get the most out of a show when we plan for it.”
To watch the full video, click here.