MHI Industry Group, the Protective Guarding Manufacturers Association, has launched the ProGMA Protective Guarding Search Tool—a search engine for protective guarding equipment. It will serve as a one-stop-shop for anyone looking for the guarding solutions to keep people and products safe.
The Protective Guarding Search Tool addresses the myriad of protective guarding solutions that are available in the market and supports end-users looking for the right products for their facilities. It is an environment where off-the-shelf products do not always work, and custom-engineered guarding is required in many scenarios.
Safety is an issue that every single facility has in common, and they all have some type of protective guarding. However, this equipment sector encompasses many different solutions, from safety gates for pallet drop areas to bollards that protect structures and netting that prevents items from falling off shelves. There is a solution for every industrial facility—and now it can all be found in one place.
The tool is targeted toward anyone who is responsible for seeking out and purchasing protective guarding equipment or specifying solutions, such as a consultant, reseller, systems integrator or material handling distributor.
There are safety solutions for loading docks, entrances, rack systems, conveyors, doorways, stairways, etc.

Search for hazards and solutions
Before starting your search, the first step is to identify the risk. For example, if there is an opening at a pallet drop area in an upper level of a pick module, that is a fall risk for employees. For this type of product search, the facility manager can go to the Technology Tool and type in that risk and get back a list of companies that offer pallet drop safety gates with links to their sites for more information.
Oftentimes, a facility manager knows that they have a safety issue but are not entirely sure what products would provide the needed protection. The Protective Guarding Search Tool allows users to search for solutions by entering phrases (e.g. “prevent falls from upper levels”) or by entering the product (e.g. “loading dock safety gate”). The Protective Guarding Search Tool filters out all the non-relevant results you may get if you type the same phrase into Google.
The new digital platform serves as an education tool, as well. Many of the products that users will find directly help find solutions to OSHA’s safety requirements in a facility. Plus, all products have been exposed to the most stringent of testing to give users peace of mind that they will provide the levels of safety required should they ever be put to the test. ProGMA member companies demonstrate a constant willingness to share information and education around protective guarding.
Access the ProGMA Protective Guarding Search Tool at https://bit.ly/ProGMAsearchtool. For more details on ProGMA, visit mhi.org/progma.