WERC Announces New Team Memberships

werc announces new team memberships

The Warehousing Education and Research Council (WERC), a division of MHI, has announced the launch of new team membership options for warehousing and distribution center professionals.

WERC provides members with the tools they need to learn the latest trends and technologies, assess their operations, identify areas for improvement and run a more efficient warehouse and distribution center.

Membership also offers a unique collaborative community where professionals can prosper, providing value for your business as well as the individual. In addition to the benefits of WERC individual membership, the new team memberships provide extra value by including the following resources with membership:

  • The six‑course Distribution Logistics Education Program, which is a gold standard for online education and training warehouse and DC professionals
  • WERC’s DC Measures Report and Online Benchmarking Tool, recognized as the state‑of‑the‑art for benchmarking and operational improvement

Team memberships are offered at three levels and WERC also offers membership options for individuals, educators and students. Learn more about WERC membership and the new team options at werc.org/join.