Tag Archives: ceo update

A Human-Centered Approach to Technology Adoption Helps Supply Chains Reach New Levels of Resiliency and Efficiency

CEO Update Supply chain technology investment is growing, and it is empowering supply chain workers as they collaborate with these new technologies to create more resilient, transparent and data-driven operations. Fifty-five percent of supply chain leaders are increasing their supply chain technology and innovation investments according to the survey results from the 2024 MHI Annual Industry Report, “The Collaborative Supply ...

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Navigating the First, Middle and Last Mile

CEO Update The efficient movement of goods and products is the lifeblood that fuels supply chain operations. Each stage of this process carries its own set of complexities and challenges. One thing that is true for all stages is that speed, accuracy, efficiency and transparency are paramount. Meeting the challenges of first, middle and last mile logistics is no easy ...

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Collaboration is Key for Supply Chain Sustainability

CEO Update To meet your supply chain sustainability goals, it’s important to look outside of your own walls. That’s because, on average, at least 80% of greenhouse gas emissions are produced in your supply chain. That means they are beyond your direct control and your business is only as sustainable as your weakest supplier. It’s safe to assume that not ...

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Responsible, Data-Driven Supply Chains

CEO Update Supply chain technology investment is growing as it enables firms with more resilient, transparent and data-driven operations that are providing a key competitive advantage. In fact, nearly 74% of supply chain leaders are increasing their supply chain technology and innovation investments, according to the survey results from the 2023 MHI Annual Industry Report, “The Responsible Supply Chain: Transparency, ...

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