Tag Archives: robotics

Supply Chain Investment Growth in Technologies That Empower Human Workforce

The 11th edition of the MHI Annual Industry Report found increased investment in human-centric, collaborative technologies that empower workers to be more productive and make better decisions. BY SARA PEARSON SPECTER Artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and automation have dominated the supply chain technology adoption conversation over the past year. Recognition of their ability to enhance resilience amid unpredictability and improve ...

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Future-Proofing Warehouses: Upskilling for the AI Revolution

BY LINDSEY ROONEY, MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR, MHI Warehouses have long served as test labs for automation. In 1962, MHI member Demag installed the first automated storage and retrieval system at a book club warehouse in Germany. From there, innovation led to the complex Warehouse Management Systems that rule facilities today. As we careen into the Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution, warehouse ...

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Tech and the Worker Experience

Feature More than ever, companies in material handling and supply chain are prioritizing improvements in worker safety and the overall worker experience. Investing in an arsenal of cutting-edge technology is a major strategy they are employing to keep workers safe, reduce the physical and mental toll of their jobs, transform training and empower workers by giving them a stronger voice ...

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Managing the Human-Tech Relationship in Supply Chains

Feature Organizations can gain more value from these collaborations when they understand the capabilities and limitations of the technology and of the people who work with it. BY MARY LOU JAY It’s been a milestone year for artificial intelligence (AI), with generative AI technology like ChatGPT, Google’s Bard and Bing Chat capturing the public’s attention and generating a great deal ...

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Robots, Automation and the Supply Chain Evolution

Product Spotlight BY DONALD DUNPHY It is a modern mantra: “Technology will never be as bad as it is today.” In other words, as transformative as automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies already are to supply chain matters, they can only get faster, smarter, more efficient and more cost-effective from here. “In terms of speed of processing in the ...

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Eat, Drink and Automate

Food and Beverage Industry Turns to Technology Amid Challenging Market Dynamics Industry Focus   BY NICK FORTUNA ABDUL RAZAK LATIF/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM   It’s been said that Ginger Rogers was more talented than Fred Astaire because she did everything her dance partner did but backwards and in high heels. In a sense, food and beverage (F&B) manufacturers and distributors can make a ...

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Robotics and Automation in Intralogistics 4.0

The trends in warehousing are based on new technologies, digitalization and IoT and Industry 4.0—with a high degree of automation and robotization. By Tone Lerher The emerging trends in warehousing—and in a variety of industries—are based on the development of new technologies, digitalization, the concept of the Internet of Things and the concept of Industry 4.0 with the high degree ...

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Safe Passage

BY TOM GRESHAM The turmoil of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a kind of perfect storm in warehouse and distribution centers, skyrocketing the already growing demand for e-commerce to new heights while exacerbating the existing labor shortage and making it more difficult to meet that demand. As a result of the pressures that have accompanied the pandemic, automation is seeing ...

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