Working Together to Promote Overhead Safety

Solutions Spotlight: Overhead Alliance

The latest specifications and standards for cranes, monorails and hoists are coming out from the industry groups within the Overhead Alliance to help customers design, install and operate the most reliable, most dependable and safest equipment possible.

The Overhead Alliance promotes the efforts of three industry groups, the Crane Manufacturers Association of America Inc. (CMAA), the Monorail Manufacturers Association Inc. (MMA) and the Hoist Manufacturers Institute Inc (HMI), said Laura Antenucci, marketing manager for MHI member Demag Cranes and Components Corp.

working together to promoteEach group is made up of manufacturers of those respective products and other experts who come together on a rolling basis to update the specifications and standards pertaining to each group, Antenucci said. The three overhead industry groups create and promote these technical standards so end users have a basis for equipment selection, operation and service of the equipment.

“This is great because it has the potential to enhance safety for everyone, from the specification process through operator use, and later when technicians are called for equipment inspections and maintenance on overhead cranes, monorail cranes and hoists,” she said. “When the manufacturers of this industry come together to develop these standards, we can help enhance safety for everybody.”

For example, the strong engineering and technical focus of CMAA membership enables the organization to create engineering specifications, safety and operational guidelines for the overhead lifting industry, said Dan Beilfuss, CMAA’s vice president and general manager of MHI member Magnetek, Columbus McKinnon Corp.

“CMAA specifications are recognized as the preferred design standard of top-running and under-running electric overhead traveling cranes, and are associated with safe, optimal designs,” Beilfuss said.

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