This issue of MHI Solutions focuses on the top trends and technologies driving supply chain data transparency and security, the steps to implement and what these technologies will mean for future supply chains. This issue also features details on MODEX 2022, being held March 28-31 in Atlanta.
Click here to read the Q2 2022 issue of MHI Solutions.
MHI 2022 Board of Governors
MHI Chairman
Kevin O’Neill, CEO & President
Steele Solutions, Inc.
MHI President
Bryan Jensen, Chairman & Executive Vice President
St. Onge Company
MHI Vice President
Brian Reh, CEO
Gorbel Inc.
Chris Becker, President
G.W. Becker, Inc.
Annette Danek-Akey, Executive Vice President, Supply Chain
Penguin Random House
Steve Diebold, President
WireCrafters, LLC
Rick Fox, President
FOX IV Technologies
Jason Minghini, Vice President, Supply Chain Solutions
Kenco Logistics Service
Eddie Murphy, Owner/President
SpaceGuard Products, Inc.
Brian C. Neuwirth, President
UNEX Manufacturing, Inc.
Karen Norheim, President & COO
American Crane and Equipment
Brett Wood, President & CEO
Toyota Material Handling North America
John Paxton, CEO
General Counsel
Arthur H. Stroyd, Jr., Partner
Del Sole Cavanaugh Stroyd, LLC
MHI Solutions is published quarterly for MHI
8720 Red Oak Blvd., Ste. 201
Charlotte, NC 28217-3957
704-676-1190, 704-676-1199 (fax)
Published by

Naylor Association Solutions
1430 Spring Hill Rd., 6th Fl.
McLean, VA 22102
Account Manager: Heidi Boe
Editor: Shaneen “Shani” Calvo
Project Manager: Michelle Hughes
Publication Director: Jason Zawada
Marketing: Shelby Pate
Project Administrator: Hope Swindler
Advertising Sales: Adam Firestone, Tracy Goltsman, Alex Hammond, Shane Holt, Anthony Land, Nicholas Manis
Designer: Sharon Lynne
©2022 Naylor, LLC. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the publisher.
MHI Solutions ISSN (Print): ISSN 2641-5852
MHI Solutions ISSN (Online): ISSN 2641-5860